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LifeCare offers a variety of services to help healthcare organizations with things like accreditation, credentialing, and managed care.  Our goal is to help you navigate the challenges these tasks present for the most successful outcomes in a highly regulated and ever-changing industry.

Image by Julia Zyablova


We offer comprehensive services to assist healthcare organizations with their survey and accreditation needs, including survey readiness, assessments, a mentoring program, and customized education and training.


LifeCare can assist you with network credentialing. By validating provider qualifications, we help you ensure patient safety and minimize your risks.

Image by National Cancer Institute
Image by National Cancer Institute

Managed Care

LifeCare has expertise in negotiating managed care contracts successfully for hospitals, affiliated physicians, and other licensed providers. We can provide consultation, fee schedule analysis, and network management services.

Risk Retention

Risk Retention Groups (RRGs) are liability insurance companies owned by its members. They allow business with similar insurance needs to pool their risks and form an insurance company operated under Federal and State guidelines. LifeCare has 2 RRGs.


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